We are here to assist residents, landowners, and businesses
in Kane and DuPage Counties
in Illinois

Board Meetings

Next Meeting:
Thursday, April 10, 2025
6 pm

Spring Sales:

Spring Fish Sale Info
order deadline was 3/27/25

Spring Tree-Plant Sale
order deadline 4/11/25
Find forms for:
- Aerial Photo Order
- Natural Resource Inventory (NRI)
- SESC Application Form
& Fees
- USDA Farmed Wetland (Swampbuster) Map Request

Envirothon 2025
Wednesday, March 19
Morton Arboretum

Visit or Education Page for:

Poster Contest
 deadline 4/19/25

Photo Contest
 deadline 5/1/25

Plant Oak Trees

The AISWCD Forestry Committee and Illinois Extension 4-H are partnering again for a fourth year of statewide tree planting. The goal is to raise awareness of oak forest decline in Illinois and across the Midwest and to promote tree planting as an educational program. KDSWCD is sponsoring the Forest Preserve District of Kane County Centennial with twenty-five oak trees to be planted as part of the Centennial Grove Project at Johnson's Mound Forest Preserve! Join KDSWCD and FPDKC staff, 4H youth and Johnson's Mound volunteer stewards on Friday, April 4, from 8 am - noon.
Let's get these keystone trees in the ground and help expand the tree canopy in Kane County!

Our latest Forever Green Newsletter: 
2025 - ISSUE 2

What we provide:

Soil Erosion & Sediment Control Programs

Provide information, consultation and reviews for Soil Erosion and Sediment Control.

Land Use & Natural Resource Information

Reports provide natural resource information needed for zoning decisions. Aerial photos are available.


We offer: 
Books; seasonal sales for plants, trees and fish


A variety of outreach programs for K-12 classrooms and
 Scout groups are offered by SWCD staff. 

Illinois 2025 Budget Slashes SWCD Funding

The 103rd General Assembly of Illinois has finalized the FY25 budget. Sadly, this budget was signed into law with a roughly 48% decrease in SWCD operational funding. Soil and Water Conservation District directors, staff and stakeholders will continue to strive to elevate the message across the state that will ensure that Illinois puts in motion the essential efforts to meet objectives of the nutrient loss reduction strategies (NLRS), achieve grassroots conservation essential to protect the states vital natural resources and raise the bar of climate resiliency across the state. SWCD team members are committed to serving their constituents in agriculture, urban development, watersheds and more. We are mandated by the Illinois Soil & Water Conservation Act
to provide technical information on soil and water conservation, and our teams passionately pursue that assignment. We will find a path forward to ensure that the state’s essential Soil and Water Conservation Districts remain on the frontlines in protecting the state’s most vital natural resources…soil and water.

Mission Statement

Our mission is to support residents’ quality of life by leading efforts to ensure healthy soil, clean water, sustainable land development and regenerative agriculture.