KDSWCD Board Elections 2025


Kane County Soil & Water Conservation District will hold annual election of Board of Directors:     Tuesday, February 11, 2025   7am - 5:30pm

Details for absentee voting are outlined below


To all persons of legal voting age who own or reside on land located within the boundaries of the Kane DuPage Soil & Water Conservation District: beginning on Wednesday, December 11, 2024 nominations will be accepted for a two-year term of the office of Director of the Kane DuPage Soil and Water Conservation District. Petitions may be obtained at the District's Office at 2315 Dean Street, Suite 100, St. Charles, IL, during our normal business hours of 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Please call the office for details at (630) 584-7960, Ext. 3. To be considered for nomination as a candidate for the office of Director, nominees must provide proof of residency or ownership of land located within the boundaries of the District. Completed petitions must be returned to the District office by 4:30 p.m. on Monday, January 20, 2025.
The SWCD is governed by a five member Board of elected Directors. Directors are elected by owners and / or occupiers of land within the district. The District holds an election every year, typically in February. Two Directors are elected on odd numbered years, and three are elected on even numbered years. Newly elected Directors’ terms begin on the second Thursday in March following the District election.

Being a Director on the Soil & Water Conservation District Board is a privilege and an opportunity to serve on a local public body that makes decisions and creates programs regarding natural resource conservation in Kane and DuPage Counties. All Directors must be 18 years or older and must have their residence within the District.
The Board meets regularly to formulate and administer programs of work that are tailored specifically to the conservation and protection of soil, water and related natural resources within the district. Attending a Board Meeting is an ideal way to learn about its function, all members of the public are welcome.

Some common activities of the board include the following:
• Prepare an Annual Plan of Work and Budget.
• Establish SWCD policies and procedure.
• Collaborate with SWCD staff in establishing priorities on the type of services needed and where that assistance should be provided.
• Identify activities promoting conservation of the soil, water and related natural resources.
• Guide the dispersal of valuable resource information to units of government and land developers to support well-informed development choices, and to promote natural resource preservation as zoning ordinances are developed, or as zoning changes are requested.
• Secure partnerships with other agencies, groups and individuals to further the goals and objectives of the SWCD.
• Foster both youth and adult informational/educational programs.

PLEASE NOTE: This is only a partial summary of Directors’ duties. District Directors perform on a voluntary basis. This is not a salary position.

ASSOCIATE DIRECTORS Anyone living within these townships may also become an Associate Director as appointed by the Board. Associates can provide additional advice and perspective, as well as learn more about the District prior to running for a seat on the Board. However, these volunteers are not afforded the same legal protection as directors and cannot vote on official business. Kane and DuPage County residents can attend any Board Meeting and express an interest in serving as an Associate Director.  

Owners and occupiers of land in Kane and DuPage Counties are entitled to vote in the election of KDSWCD Board of Directors, which is held at the KDSWCD office, 2315 Dean St, Suite 100, St. Charles.  AND at the DuPage Farm Bureau, 245 South Gary Avenue,
Carol Stream.

Absentee voting will be available for those who cannot vote on election day, February 11, 2025. Absentee voting will be available at the KDSWCD office January 27 through February 7, 8am-4:30 pm. Absentee voters must certify the nature of their inability to vote on February 11 and then cast their ballot, which will be held in a locked ballot box and counted with the election day votes after voting closes at 5:30pm on February 11, 2025.

Election details are publicized in local media, social media, our website, our newsletter and are posted at various community centers.

Current (2024) Board of Directors

Thomas Konen

Maggie Soliz
Vice Chairman

William Pauling

Melinda Bossenga
Jera Piper

Board Meetings

If you have an interest in becoming involved, we suggest that attending our board meetings will give you a better understanding of what we do and how to participate.
