Fish Sales
KDSWCD offers for sale a variety of fish that can be used for stocking ponds.
Spring 2025 Fish Sale
Use order form to order by these dates:
Triploid Carp - Thursday, March 20th .
Other fish orders – Thursday, March 27th.
Triploid Carp - Thursday, March 20th .
Other fish orders – Thursday, March 27th.
Fish Pick-up Friday, April 4, 2025
2:00 to 3:00 pm at KDSWCD office
2:00 to 3:00 pm at KDSWCD office
Fish Sale Information:
REFUND POLICY: In the event you are unable to pick up your order, please call to notify the District office by Noon on Wednesday,
April 2nd, 2025, for a full refund. Orders not picked up on Friday,
April 4th , 2025 will not be refunded.
About Triploid Grass Carp: This fish is used for biological weed control and takes approximately two years to provide good control. Stocking rates are based on percentage of weed cover and size of pond. If your pond has weed cover of 20-40%, 5 Triploid Carp per lake acres should be stocked; 40-60% weed cover, 10 Triploid Carp per lake acres are recommended. Ponds must have an area that is 7-10’ deep for the fish to overwinter. The Grass Carp is sterile and will not reproduce. Pond location information (County, Township, Section) must be filled out on the order form as Andry’s Fish Farm must apply for a permit from IDNR.
When picking up fish: We ask everyone to bring some type of empty container to ensure better fish survival during transport. The fish will be put into oxygen filled bags with water. A 5-gallon bucket is ideal - the bags fit right inside.
April 2nd, 2025, for a full refund. Orders not picked up on Friday,
April 4th , 2025 will not be refunded.
About Triploid Grass Carp: This fish is used for biological weed control and takes approximately two years to provide good control. Stocking rates are based on percentage of weed cover and size of pond. If your pond has weed cover of 20-40%, 5 Triploid Carp per lake acres should be stocked; 40-60% weed cover, 10 Triploid Carp per lake acres are recommended. Ponds must have an area that is 7-10’ deep for the fish to overwinter. The Grass Carp is sterile and will not reproduce. Pond location information (County, Township, Section) must be filled out on the order form as Andry’s Fish Farm must apply for a permit from IDNR.
When picking up fish: We ask everyone to bring some type of empty container to ensure better fish survival during transport. The fish will be put into oxygen filled bags with water. A 5-gallon bucket is ideal - the bags fit right inside.
Additional Information
For information about pond stocking please visit
Keystone Hatcheries:
Illinois Department of Natural Resources:
Keystone Hatcheries:
Illinois Department of Natural Resources:
Rainbow Trout image in header from USFWS Image Library, Public Domain image
Ryan Hagarty, creator, 11-17-2019
Ryan Hagarty, creator, 11-17-2019

Order instructions:
Credit Card: pay with ePAY (link below) and also complete the order
Email completed form to:
Pay by check: complete the order form and mail or drop off to our office:
2315 Dean Street, Suite 100,
St. Charles, Illinois 60175
Cash: complete the order form and drop off to our office during regular business hours
Pay by check: complete the order form and mail or drop off to our office:
2315 Dean Street, Suite 100,
St. Charles, Illinois 60175
Cash: complete the order form and drop off to our office during regular business hours
Using ePAY to order
When using ePAY for an online order, after clicking on "Make one-time payment" or "Login", scroll down and look for the tab Fish Sale and click on these to start your order.
NOTE: ePay transactions will incur a fee of 2.25% or $1, whichever is greater
To start, click on link below.
NOTE: ePay transactions will incur a fee of 2.25% or $1, whichever is greater
To start, click on link below.