The Champaign County (IL) Soil & Water Conservation District developed a FREE tool to assist farm operators and land owners in evaluating their nutrient and soil loss management practices on individual fields. It is called
S.T.A.R. - Saving Tomorrow’s Agriculture Resources.
We are pleased to be able to share this with our Kane-DuPage SWCD constituents.
The purpose of S.T.A.R. is to motivate those making cropping decisions to use the “best management practices” that will ultimately meet the goals of the Illinois Nutrient Loss Reduction Strategy.
To meet those goals for the agriculture sector, farmer’s need to reduce the nitrogen and phosphorus losses by applying nitrogen when the plants need it and by preventing soil losses by reducing tillage. The S.T.A.R. evaluation system assigns points for each cropping, tillage, nutrient application and soil conservation activity used on individual fields. The practices selected and the point values assigned are determined by a group of scientists and researchers, including some farmers who are involved in research. That “Science Committee” base their analysis of recommended practices on the potential contribution to the goals of the NLRS. The total points are used in a scale to determine a rating of 1 to 5 Stars for each individual field.
To meet those goals for the agriculture sector, farmer’s need to reduce the nitrogen and phosphorus losses by applying nitrogen when the plants need it and by preventing soil losses by reducing tillage. The S.T.A.R. evaluation system assigns points for each cropping, tillage, nutrient application and soil conservation activity used on individual fields. The practices selected and the point values assigned are determined by a group of scientists and researchers, including some farmers who are involved in research. That “Science Committee” base their analysis of recommended practices on the potential contribution to the goals of the NLRS. The total points are used in a scale to determine a rating of 1 to 5 Stars for each individual field.

The potential benefits and value of using this program include:
• Increased net farm income
• Promoting a positive image of farmers and agriculture in your community
• Inspiring other farmers and landowners to take action in helping to meet nutrient loss reduction goals
• Decreasing nutrient loss
• Promoting producers for new farmland leases
• Assisting producers in securing local conservation cost share
• Assisting producers in obtaining future market incentives for crops grown
using conservation cropping practices.
• Assisting producers in obtaining documentation in support of water quality issues
• Supporting the work of Illinois' soil and water conservation districts
• Promoting a positive image of farmers and agriculture in your community
• Inspiring other farmers and landowners to take action in helping to meet nutrient loss reduction goals
• Decreasing nutrient loss
• Promoting producers for new farmland leases
• Assisting producers in securing local conservation cost share
• Assisting producers in obtaining future market incentives for crops grown
using conservation cropping practices.
• Assisting producers in obtaining documentation in support of water quality issues
• Supporting the work of Illinois' soil and water conservation districts
If you have questions or wish to discuss the benefits of the program please contact our Technical Team atcontact@kanedupageswcd.org